Shijiazhuang Yuncang Water Technology Corporation Limited

Li-flocculants tse tloaelehileng tsa cationic ke life?

Tlhophiso ea metsi ke karolo ea bohlokoa ea taolo ea tikoloho, ho netefatsa hore metsi a bolokehile bakeng sa tšebeliso le tšebeliso ea indasteri. E 'ngoe ea lintho tse ka sehloohong tabeng ena ke ho sebelisoa ha li-flocculant—lik'hemik'hale tse khothalletsang ho bokelloa ha likaroloana tse leketlileng hore e be lihlopha tse khōloanyane, tseo ka mor'a moo li ka ntšoang habonolo ka metsing. Har'a mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea li-flocculants, li-cationic flocculants li sebetsa ka ho khetheha ka lebaka la tefiso ea tsona e ntle, e sebetsanang ka matla le likaroloana tse mpe tse atisang ho fumanoa metsing a litšila. Sengoliloeng sena se hlahloba li-flocculants tse atileng haholo tsa cationic tse sebelisoang kalafong ea metsi le lits'ebetso tsa tsona.

cationic Polyacrylamides(CPAM)

Cationic Polyacrylamides, ke tse ling tsa li-flocculants tse sebelisoang haholo indastering ea ho hloekisa metsi. Bakeng sa basebelisi ba bangata, CPAM ke khetho ea bona e ntle. Li-polymer tsena li na le li-subunits tsa acrylamide, tse ka hlophisoang ho kenyelletsa lihlopha tse sebetsang tsa cationic. Ho feto-fetoha ha li-Cationic polyacrylamides ho itšetlehile ka boima ba tsona ba molek'hule le tekano ea tefiso, e li lumellang hore li hlophisehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse itseng. Li-C-PAM li sebetsa hantle haholo ho phekoleng metsi a litšila a indasteri le ho ntša litšila ka lebaka la ts'ebetso ea tsona e phahameng ea ho phalla le litlhoko tsa litekanyetso tse tlase.

Poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PolyDADMAC)

PolyDADMAC ke cationic flocculant e sebelisoang haholo e tsebahalang ka tefiso e phahameng ea tefiso le katleho lits'ebetsong tsa kalafo ea metsi. Polymer ena e sebetsa hantle haholo ts'ebetsong ea coagulation le flocculation, e etsang hore e be khetho e tsebahalang ea ho hloekisa metsi a nooang, metsi a litšila le litšila tsa indasteri. PolyDADMAC e sebetsa hantle hammoho le li-flocculants tse ling le li-coagulants, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea phekolo ka kakaretso ka ho fana ka mokhoa o matla oa ho kopanya likaroloana le ho tlosoa.


Polyamines ke sehlopha se seng sa li-cationic flocculants tse sebelisoang hangata ho phekola metsi. Metsoako ena, e kenyelletsang poly(dimethylamine-co-epichlorohydrin) le meaho e ts'oanang, e bonts'a tefiso e matla ea cationic density, e etsang hore e atlehe haholo ho fokotsa likaroloana tse qosoang hampe. Li-polyamine li thusa haholo ho hlakisa metsi a tala, ho tlosoa ha lintho tse phelang, le ho hloekisa litšila tse fapaneng tsa indasteri. Bokhoni ba bona ba ho etsa li-flocs tse teteaneng bo fella ka linako tse khutsitseng ka potlako le ho hlaka ho ntlafetseng ha metsi a hloekisitsoeng.

Lisebelisoa le Melemo

Li-Cationic flocculants li bapala karolo ea bohlokoa mefuteng e mengata ea ho hloekisa metsi, ho tloha ho metsi a litšila a masepala le ho hloekisa metsi a nooang ho isa taolong ea litšila tsa indasteri. Monyetla oa bona o ka sehloohong ke bokhoni ba bona ba ho fokotsa likaroloana tse qosoang hampe, tse lebisang ho thehoeng ha floc ka potlako le ka katleho. Sena se etsa hore ho be le ho hlaka ho ntlafetseng, ho fokotseha ha lets'oao le ho ntlafatsa boleng ba metsi ka kakaretso. Ntle le moo, li-cationic flocculants li sebelisoa hangata hammoho le lik'hemik'hale tse ling tsa kalafo, joalo ka li-coagulants, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea kalafo le ho fihlela maemo a lakatsehang a boleng ba metsi.

Tšebeliso ea li-cationic flocculants ke karolo ea mekhoa ea sejoale-joale ea kalafo ea metsi, e fanang ka tharollo e sebetsang le e tšepahalang bakeng sa ho kopanya le ho tlosa likaroloana. Polyacrylamides, polyamines, PolyDADMAC e emela tse ling tsa li-cationic flocculants tse tloaelehileng le tse sebetsang tse fumanehang kajeno. Ho feto-fetoha ha tsona, ho sebetsa hantle, le ho ikamahanya le maemo ho li etsa lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa ho netefatsa hore ho na le metsi a hloekileng le a sireletsehileng bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse fapaneng.

Ha e le hantle, khetho ea flocculant e boetse e itšetlehile ka mekhoa ea tšebeliso ea mosebedisi, sebopeho sa thepa, tikoloho, joalo-joalo. Tataiso ea tšebeliso ea sehlahisoa e lokela ho lateloa.

li-flocculants tsa cationic

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Nako ea poso: Jun-05-2024